As the summer months approach, so too does the prospect of exam season, and all the stresses this can bring, but it needn’t be such an anxiety-ridden time if you follow some simple tips.

Rescue Remedy has teamed up with Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society, to help keep on top of the exam period, while remaining calm and focused.

  • Manage study time: It’s important to schedule your work. Draw up a balanced and realistic revision schedule and stick to it. Have regular breaks and schedule time to do the things you enjoy. Also, be aware of when you work best.
  • Manage your study space: Avoid technology, television or social media when you are studying. Keep your study room clean and clear to avoid distractions.
  • Keep a healthy lifestyle: Eat right and don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Good nutrition fuels your brain as well as your body. Also, make sure you keep hydrated as your brain can only function at its best when hydrated. When in a state of stress, our bodies are expecting a physical response – fight or flight. Engaging in physical activity, such as short walks in the park, going to the gym or simply some stretching is the best way to burn off your stress and re-gain focus.
  • Get a good night’s sleep: Don’t sacrifice a good night’s sleep for a night cramming your revision. Sleep is so important to maintain good mental and physical health. It is nature’s healer, the opportunity for your brain and body to repair themselves from the stresses of the day and build and develop for the future. Don’t be tempted to forego it!
  • If it all gets too much, why not take a moment out with Rescue Remedy, a special blend of five Bach Original Flower Remedies.