Are you among the 92 per cent of people who have admitted to not knowing what your fruit and vegetable needs are?

According to new research by Opinion Matters, commissioned by Aramark, some 92 per cent of people don’t know how many portions of fruit and vegetables they should consume according to new recommendations.

The research, which surveyed over 2,000 people across the UK and Ireland, asked, ‘According to the recently published study by the International Journal of Epidemiology, how many portions of fruit and vegetables every day could significantly reduce a person’s risk of heart disease and cancer?’ Only eight per cent were aware that the research found that 10 portions of fruit and veg a day could significantly reduce a person’s risk of heart disease and cancer.

According to the research, consuming 10 portions a day was associated with a 24 per cent reduced risk of heart disease, a 33 per cent lower risk of stroke, a 28 per cent reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, a 13 per cent reduced risk of cancer, and a 31 per cent reduction in the risk of dying prematurely.

Interestingly, the research found that women were more aware of the study by the International Journal of Epidemiology; 12 per cent of women knew that 10 portions of fruit and veg was recommended in the journal, compared to only four per cent of men.