Running Recommendations

Running Recommendations

Cold weather, icy roads and dark nights can make us less inclined to get outside and exercise in the winter. But it also has some great benefits for building up strength and endurance, not to mention boosting our feel good endorphins, and all you need is some simple...
Your workout buddy

Your workout buddy

Never struggle with where to put your personal belongings when working out thanks to the new Buddy Pouch. This pouch features no belt, band or bounce and is replacing armbands and running belts for runners, walkers and all outdoor enthusiasts. The pouch is a new,...
On track exercise

On track exercise

Boost your sporting performance with the Back on Track t-shirt. Developed in Sweden, Back on Track products are widely used by top sportspeople across Europe, and we particularly like the Slim Fit T-Shirt, made from advanced Welltex fabric, which is infused with...
Ironed out

Ironed out

Feeling a little tired, but can’t put your finger on why? Struggling to get through the afternoon without a sugar fix? Not feeling able to complete a workout in the gym? All of these symptoms could indicate that you are suffering with low iron levels; iron is...
Protecting against plastic

Protecting against plastic

Natural beauty pioneer, Weleda, has been honoured for its environmental efforts to reduce plastic in the oceans. The Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF) presented Marc van Boven, Managing Director of Weleda Benelux, with its Plastic Soup Tureen award. The Plastic Soup...
Milk matters

Milk matters

We are a nation that is increasingly cutting certain foods from the diet, dairy being one of the most common. Whatever your reason for choosing to do so, there remains a lot of debate around whether regular milk is good for us, and what the alternatives are....