Teens admit confidence issues over acne

Teens admit confidence issues over acne

With research showing that three in five teenagers say acne affects their self-confidence, the British Skin Foundation has issued some simple advice. Dr Anjali Mahto, Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson, explained: “Acne, for the majority...
Work it out

Work it out

Did you know that one in eight of us Brits are now members of a gym? New research also found that the UK is now home to 6,400 fitness facilities. The poll, which looked at fitness trends across London, also found that Islington is London’s most fitness obsessed...
Your fitness sorted

Your fitness sorted

From wearing the right bra to recovering from injury or keeping active during pregnancy, a new book offers all the advice you need to stay fit and well while exercising. Dr Juliet McGrattan has penned Sorted, published by Green Tree, which is designed to be a...
Do you understand your fruit and veg needs?

Do you understand your fruit and veg needs?

Are you among the 92 per cent of people who have admitted to not knowing what your fruit and vegetable needs are? According to new research by Opinion Matters, commissioned by Aramark, some 92 per cent of people don’t know how many portions of fruit and vegetables...
Iron Issues

Iron Issues

If you’re struggling to get through the day because you feel too tired, have you thought it could be down to your iron levels? According to the World Health Organization, iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies in the world. Women, particularly...
Training to protect the heart

Training to protect the heart

New research has confirmed that endurance training could have the ability to protect the heart. The findings have suggested that exercise could be just as important for your heart heath as cholesterol levels and a healthy diet. It was found that expression of genes...