Banishing the fad diet myths

Banishing the fad diet myths

Each and every year, we see new ‘diets’ gracing the pages of our social media, in magazines and on the TV, all claiming to be the plan to lose weight. So much so that the British Dietetic Association (BDA) deals with hundreds of requests relating to food...
Endorsed for sport

Endorsed for sport

A leading superfood brand has secured high praise after being certified to two quality assurance programmes for sport. Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Powder has been recognised by both NSF and Informed Sport, which provide athletes with an extra assurance of the quality and purity...
How you can beat burnout

How you can beat burnout

With news that for the first time, the World Health Organization has officially added burnout to its International Classification of Diseases (ICD), and that it will be globally recognised as a disease from 2022, it’s imperative we all take steps to avoid it. And...
Ideas to live a healthier life

Ideas to live a healthier life

If you are seeking to improve your health and happiness, you could try the tips from a new book. Live Well, 100 Simple Ways to Live a Better and Longer Life has been penned by Dr Trisha Macnair, designed to help you improve your quality of life. Part self-help book,...
Surviving the pollen season

Surviving the pollen season

With spring on the horizon, one brand is getting ready for the start of hay fever season with a new formulation. HayMax works by trapping pollen and other airborne allergens before they get in the body and the company has announced a new and improved formula across...