Choosing the right food for health

Choosing the right food for health

Feeding You Lies is a new book to help you unravel the food industry and make the right choices for your health. Food activist and New York Times bestselling author, Vani Hari, has written the new book, which is said to expose the lies we’ve been fed about the...
The importance of your immunity

The importance of your immunity

Leading health experts have offered their top tips for ensuring your immune system is up to scratch during the cold weather. Sarah Orrechia founded the natural health brand, Unbeelievable Health, which specialises in supplements based on the benefits of propolis, and...
Steps to ageing positively

Steps to ageing positively

In our appearance driven world, ageing has become something almost feared among some people, but a new book aims to change that. The Ten Steps of Positive Ageing, A Handbook for Personal Change in Later Life has been penned by Guy Robertson, who takes a radically...
Bottle bag

Bottle bag

The latest creation to help you care for the environment is a bag made from old plastic bottles. Ucon Acrobatics makes its bags by recycling plastics and reusing materials, and with this method, 20 plastic bottles can create a new backpack and make the planet a little...
Tips to become a conscious shopper

Tips to become a conscious shopper

There’s no doubt that as a nation, we are becoming more conscious about the products we buy. But, with so many different priorities, and different claims made by brands, wading through the greenwashing can be difficult. Here, the experts at ethical brands offer...
Sporting capitals of the UK revealed

Sporting capitals of the UK revealed

Wales is the football capital of the UK, while London boasts the most avid runners. That is according to a new poll from Decathlon, which has published a sports map of the UK, revealing where the true homes of different popular sports are. The survey of more than...