Spring into summer

Spring into summer

We might have been battered by the elements in the last few weeks, but spring is officially on the way and, with the clocks going forward soon, now is the time to conserve your energy to prepare for an hour’s less sleep. The clocks officially go forward on March 29,...
Natural Lifestyle recommends

Natural Lifestyle recommends

If you’re having problems with hair loss, you could benefit from Silicea capsules. Many people find benefit from supplementing the diet with a specific hair supplement, which can enhance hair growth. Silicea capsules are high in the essential mineral, silica, along...
Immune health driving us to healthy lifestyle products

Immune health driving us to healthy lifestyle products

New research has found that immune support is the most common reason we buy healthy lifestyle products. The survey from Wellmune, a beta glucan ingredient designed for natural immune support, asked consumers to select five options from a list of 13 health areas and...
Holistic fitness predictions for 2020

Holistic fitness predictions for 2020

A leading yoga expert believes 2020 will see a continued rise in people moving towards yoga and holistic forms of exercise. Hannah Barrett (@yoga_girl_london) has offered her thoughts on what we will be doing activity wise in 2020, including: Meditation to become a...
FODMAP friendly

FODMAP friendly

You can now top up your protein intake while following a FODMAP diet with the help of That Protein. The brand has become the first FODMAP Friendly certified protein powder in the UK with its Blissful Raw Cacao Organic Super Protein, following a rigorous laboratory...
Making it a fair trade

Making it a fair trade

With Fairtrade Fortnight fast approaching, the organisers are reminding of the positive impact that simple shopping switches can have. For Fairtrade Fortnight 2020, the Fairtrade Foundation is engaging the public with a fun ‘storybombing’ treasure hunt, placing 35,000...