How to turn your daily outing into a workout

How to turn your daily outing into a workout

As we move through this period of lockdown amid the Coronavirus pandemic, it is important to remember that each of us is allowed one daily outing for exercise a day. And it’s important that you do at this time as the benefits to being in the outdoors are huge, for...
Kickstart your energy levels

Kickstart your energy levels

If you’re feeling like your energy levels are dwindling, you are perhaps lacking motivation and experiencing fatigue, it is worthwhile checking you’re getting all the nutrients you need. And Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health and Food Supplements...
How to live well simply

How to live well simply

A new guide to creating a natural and low waste home is being published this month. Julia Watkins has written Simply Living Well, which provides easy-to-follow guides and recipes, allowing you to make eco-friendly changes in the home. It covers every area of your...
Your digital personal trainer

Your digital personal trainer

Give yourself the support of your very own personal trainer with the help of Auro. The Auro app is a personal trainer in your ear and includes motivational audio workouts that are guided by expert trainers and tailored to an individual’s fitness goals and level....
Project wellness

Project wellness

If you are feeling like your wellbeing could do with an overhaul, you could benefit from the tips offered in a new book. The Wellness Project has been penned by Ali Roff Farrar as a guide to aligning body, heart and mind to create a blueprint for a balanced life. Ali...
Meeting your family’s nutritional needs

Meeting your family’s nutritional needs

Leading nutrition experts have offered their top tips for healthy and hassle free meals. With families across the UK now staying at home, it means we are having all of our meals and snacks in the house, instead of at work, school or out and about. And so, to help take...